Beyond Breach: Empowering Your Defense with Cybersecurity Managed Services

Shreya Patil

14 December 2023

12 min


In the blink of an eye, the digital realm has transformed, leaving companies sprinting to catch up with the rapid evolution. In this era where time is of the essence, the pressure to fortify security measures has never been more intense. As organisations grapple with the challenges posed by digital transformation, the quest for top-notch security programs becomes a paramount mission. .

Enter the Heroes: Cybersecurity Managed Services

Picture this: organisations, big or small, lacking the resources or bandwidth to establish their security operations center (SOC). Even those with the means to hire and train expert staff find themselves in a tight spot due to a substantial cybersecurity skills gap. But fear not, for here comes the cavalry – Cybersecurity Managed Services (CMS).

But Wait, Before You Jump on the Bandwagon…

Adding a Managed Service Provider (MSP) or Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) to your arsenal is a strategic move, no doubt. But, hold your horses! Before you ride the trend, careful assessment and planning are crucial to minimise associated cyber risks. This article is your treasure map, providing a comprehensive overview of the purpose of an MSP and the key considerations when evaluating a potential partner.

Unraveling the MSP Enigma: What Are They? 

MSPs have evolved beyond fixing the traditional IT break-fix cycles. They are the wizards of outsourcing, providing support for a company’s IT infrastructure and end-user systems. Real-time threat detection and cybersecurity operations are their forte, allowing organisations to focus on their core business functions without fretting about system interruptions.

Benefits Galore: Why You Need an MSP 

MSPs have evolved beyond fixing the traditional IT break-fix cycles. They are the wizards of outsourcing, providing support for a company’s IT infrastructure and end-user systems. Real-time threat detection and cybersecurity operations are their forte, allowing organisations to focus on their core business functions without fretting about system interruptions.

1.    Maximising Efficiency:

In the era of escalating cyber threats, even well-staffed enterprises can struggle with deploying complex cybersecurity solutions. MSPs come to the rescue by augmenting and alleviating security staff, offering a pool of robust cybersecurity expertise.

Read more: Learn how an MSP can lower costs and increase profits

2.    Continuous Compliance: 

Navigating the complex landscape of compliance becomes a breeze with MSPs. Dedicated and expert personnel ensure data collection, system monitoring, and internal/external reporting, allowing your internal staff to focus on innovation. 

3.    Attack Surface Management:

As organisations spread their wings into the cloud, the attack surface expands, creating vulnerabilities. MSPs, armed with expertise, address risks across this surface, providing incident response services and testing backup and disaster recovery plans. 

4.  Cyber Insurance Know-How: 

In a world where cyber insurance is a must, MSPs can guide businesses through the procurement process. They ensure you’re leveraging the right technology and best practices to meet minimum requirements, potentially impacting your cyber insurance premium.

Choosing Your Cybersecurity Steed: Considerations When Evaluating MSPs 

Think of shopping for an MSP like choosing a car. One size does not fit all. Consider your budget, existing resources, and security needs to make an informed decision. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) offers a framework with three crucial components: 

1.    Strategic Decision Making:

Balance cost with effectiveness, define security roles, evaluate existing security tech stack, and address gaps to improve your security posture. 

2.  Operational Decision Making:

Articulate requirements in a contract, vet MSPs thoroughly, and ensure performance-related service level agreements and other crucial factors.  

3. Tactical Decision Making:

Extend internal security practices to MSPs, implement supply chain security controls, and establish a robust risk assessment procedure using automation and AI.  

Factors to Consider When Selecting an MSP: 

There are a lot of strong arguments in favour of managed network services, but like all good things they don’t come without some risk.

  • Resources available: Check the expertise of the MSP’s team, including the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), security analysts, and other security experts. 
  • Security tools and SOC providers or partners: Evaluate the tools and partnerships that the MSP brings to the table. A well-equipped MSP enhances your cybersecurity arsenal. 
  • Rapid response: In the face of cyber threats, swift action is crucial. Ensure that the MSP offers a rapid response capability to minimise the impact of potential breaches. 
  • Round-the-clock service: Cyber threats don’t adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule. A reliable MSP should provide round-the-clock service to keep your digital fortress secure at all times. 
  • Experience with similar companies and industries: An MSP with a track record of working with companies and industries similar to yours brings valuable insights and tailored solutions. 
  • Realistic budget: While cybersecurity is invaluable, it’s essential to have a realistic budget. Ensure that the MSP’s services align with your financial constraints without compromising on security.

Conclusion: Fortifying Your Digital Citadel 

In the quest for cybersecurity excellence, MSPs emerge as invaluable allies. As you navigate the digital frontier, choose your cybersecurity steed wisely, considering the strategic, operational, and tactical aspects. Armoured with the right knowledge and a meticulous selection process, your organisation can boldly face the evolving cyber threats, ensuring a secure and resilient future. 

So, gear up, fellow guardians of the digital realm, for with MSPs by your side, you’re not just playing catch-up; you’re leading the charge! 

From Catch-Up to Leading the Charge, NSP is enabling kiwi organisations to be proactive with their security controls, contact the team at NSP today to find out how we can support your business.

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