The 5 Benefits of Using the Security Maturity Model Spider Chart

NSP Marketing

09 June 2023

4 min


As businesses continue to grow, it becomes increasingly important for them to implement proper security measures. However, it can be daunting for SME/SMB organisations located in New Zealand to know where to begin with security. This is where the Security Maturity Model Spider Chart can be of great help. In this blog, we will discuss what the Security Maturity Model Spider Chart is, its benefits for SME/SMB organisations in New Zealand, and some key takeaways resulting from using this method.

The Security Maturity Model Spider Chart is a tool that businesses can use to assess their security posture. It identifies areas of strength and weakness within a company’s security program and provides a visual representation of the company’s security maturity level. The spider chart consists of six categories that cover different aspects of a company’s security program, including governance and risk management, compliance, physical security, human resources security, information security, and business continuity management.


Benefits to SME or SMB organisations in NZ

Using the Security Maturity Model Spider Chart can bring several benefits to SME/SMB organisations located in New Zealand. Here are 5 of them:

1. Helps manage risk and protect your organisation’s reputation

The Security Maturity Model Spider Chart helps manage risk and protect your organisation’s reputation. Security breaches and cyber attacks are increasingly common and can have severe consequences. A data breach or cyber attack can compromise sensitive data, harm customer trust, and damage your organisation’s reputation, leading to financial losses, legal liabilities, and regulatory penalties. By using the Security Maturity Model Spider Chart, you can identify potential security weaknesses before they become incidents, allowing you to take proactive steps to manage risks and protect your organisation’s reputation. This can enhance your reputation as a trustworthy and responsible organisation, which can be a valuable competitive advantage. By safeguarding your business against cyber attacks and security breaches, you can mitigate the impact of incidents and build trust and confidence with stakeholders.


2. A clear overview of your organisation’s security posture

The Security Maturity Model Spider Chart assesses your organisation’s security measures across six categories, providing a clear overview of your security posture. It identifies areas where you’re strong and where you need improvement, helping you make informed decisions about security investments and prioritize resources effectively. This can also help build trust with stakeholders and communicate the importance of security.


3. Enables you to prioritize investments in security measures that are tailored to your specific needs

By using the Security Maturity Model Spider Chart, SME/SMB organisations in New Zealand can prioritize their investments in security measures that are tailored to their specific needs. The spider chart allows companies to see which security areas need the most improvement and therefore prioritize their resources and investment accordingly. This can result in cost-effective security investments that are aligned with the company’s specific needs, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. By investing in the right areas, organizations can reduce the likelihood of incidents and minimize the impact of any security breaches that may occur.


4. Takes a proactive approach to security, identifying areas of weakness before they become incidents

The Security Maturity Model Spider Chart takes a proactive approach to security by identifying areas of weakness before they become incidents. This means that organisations can take action to mitigate risks before they occur, rather than reacting to incidents after they happen. By being proactive, companies can reduce the likelihood of security breaches and cyber attacks, and minimize the impact of any incidents that do occur. This can help to protect the company’s reputation and reduce the financial impact of any incidents.


5. Provides a cost-effective approach to security, ensuring you’re investing in the right areas and getting the most bang for your buck

By providing a clear overview of the organization’s security posture, the Security Maturity Model Spider Chart enables SME/SMB organisations in New Zealand to take a cost-effective approach to security. By identifying areas of strength and weakness, organisations can prioritize their investments in security measures that are tailored to their specific needs. This can result in a more cost-effective approach to security that ensures companies are investing in the right areas and getting the most bang for their buck. By investing in the right areas, companies can reduce the likelihood of security breaches and minimize the impact of any incidents that may occur.


Keep your business technology up to date with NSP

Your business relies on technology to keep on ticking. As the landscape of technology enables greater productivity and revenue, it brings its own complications in cybersecurity, data management and network services. Fortunately, there are solutions available.


When your business is ready to update your computer and network services, you need a managed service provider who can lead your digital transformation with confidence, authority and an eye to the future. NSP is an Auckland-based managed network service provider with the resources, talent and vision to create greater efficiencies and take your business to the next level.

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